When did you join Wild in Art and what do you do?
I joined Wild in Art in 2017 and have led on sponsorship for several Wild in Art produced events including Bee in the City, 50 Windows of Creativity, Gratitude and Cows about Cambridge.
I now advise and support our event partners on sponsorship and provide support to sponsors on how they can get the most out of their involvement in a Wild in Art event. I also support the Wild in Art team on business development.

What has been your favourite Wild in Art moment so far?
I have so many lovely moments, it’s hard to choose! I still get a buzz every time I hear a child’s ‘cry’ of “there’s one!” when they spot one of our sculptures on the street.
It was also fantastic moment when our Bee in the City auction in Manchester went over the £1 million mark.
What sculpture or sculpture artwork stands out as being a favourite?
It has to be the SuperBee from Bee in the City. I loved the artist, the concept and the sponsor.
Painted by Adam Pekr – Inkversion and sponsored by Rayburn Trading, the design explored the role of bees as protectors, focusing on how bees are integral to the planet’s survival, as well as imagining the worker bee watching over Manchester like a superhero.

What do you like to get up to outside of work?
I enjoy running and do lots of hiking in the Lake District and Peak District. I have also done a couple of long-distance walks on the Camino de Santiago in northern Spain. I also sing in a choir and love going to the theatre.
What is your idea of the perfect day?
My perfect day would be to get up early, watch the sunrise, go for a run, walk around an art gallery, go for lunch in a sunny square and read a book around the pool before getting dressed up for a pre-theatre dinner. Not too much to pack in!

If you could travel anywhere tomorrow, where would you go?
I would love to go to Kenya on a safari.
What TV show are you currently binge-watching?
The World At War on DVD (I know! Not very cool).
Ever had an interesting celebrity encounter?
I have been to the cinema with Quentin Tarantino in Liverpool!