

Public art events that make a difference

Breaking the mould of traditional fundraising and having mass-market appeal, our events offer charities a new public-facing fundraising initiative to work across all of their income streams.

The sculptures offer a creative tool to reach thousands of potential new supporters and engage with a broad range of people, from corporates, and major donors, to communities, youth groups, and schools.

Once transformed into unique works of art and displayed in the streets, parks, and public spaces to form a trail, the sculptures give people a way to engage with the event and the charity at a time and place to suit them.

After driving brand awareness, talkability, shareability and ultimately donations, the event typically culminates with an auction of the sculptures where 75% of the proceeds go to the charity beneficiary.

Charitable impact


Since 2008, we have enabled over £26.3 million to be raised for charities through auctions, with a further £15 million raised from additional fundraising.

Elmer’s Big Parade brought colour and creativity to Blackpool in spring 2024. David Houston, Chief Executive of Brian House Hospice, talks about the extraordinary impact of the trail.

Charitable Fundraising


GoGoDiscover entertained more than half a million people across Norfolk and Norwich in the summer of 2022 and raised a mammoth £427,400 for charity partner Break.

Dan Crouch, Director of Income Generation for Break talks about the impact of the Norwich and Cambridge trails.

What they say…

Norwich has done six Wild in Art trails now and people simply can’t get enough of them. It really sets Break apart and was one of the reasons I wanted to be part of the charity. It offers brilliant fundraising opportunities and we have built long-lasting relationships with our sponsors, simply because they see the value of the trails.

Dan Crouch

Director of Income Generation, Break

Follow that Duck captured the imagination of our local community this summer! The trail opened doors and created opportunities for our hospice that would not have been possible, it started conversations and was the catalyst for new relationships. Furthermore, our trail created a project which crossed all areas of the hospice – a real organisation-wide effort, with all teams represented in the success of the event!

Perdita Chamberlain

Income Generation Director, St Michael's Hospice

Helping support the Children’s Hospice – we had fun collecting the elephants but never forgot why the trail was created. We visited Elmer headquarters and made an extra donation to the appeal too.

Trail Visitor

Elmer’s Big Belfast Trail, Belfast

I was a Snowdog volunteer on the trail and I saw how much joy it brought to people and how much positivity it brought, not just to the hospice who were behind it, but to the towns and villages where the Snowdogs were displayed.


Snowdogs Support Life, Kirklees.

Sustainable relationships

The Emperor Penguin

Wild in Art trails bring people together and connect charity partners with the local community, increasing visibility and enabling new relationships.

The sculptures offer a creative tool to reach and engage with thousands of people, from corporates, major donors and local stakeholders to the creative community and schools. Charity partners report that Wild in Art trails enable them to develop relationships with local businesses, with 33% – 75% being completely new relationships.

Like the sound of this?

If you like the sound of this, please get in touch and talk to us about how we can work with you to create a memorable, public-facing fundraising initiative.