Whale Tales 2022

24 January 22  – 18 April 22
WWF New Zealand

We were delighted to work with WWF-New Zealand, Auckland Unlimited and Presenting Partner Harcourts NZ to present Whale Tales – our second event in Auckland, New Zealand.

Taking place from 24 January – 18 April 2022, Whale Tales celebrated Aotearoa, art and marine conservation and transformed Tāmaki Makaurau – the city of sails into the city of tails.

Inspired by the Brydes Whale, the 80 Big Broos (large Tail sculptures) took over Aucklands streets, parks, and open spaces providing residents and visitors with a fresh opportunity to explore the city and the surrounding area.

Each one-of-a-kind sculpture was designed by professional and emerging artists including those from Weta Workshop, Otis Frizzell, Bonnie Brown and Sofia Minson and were sponsored by generous local organisations and individuals.

80 Pēpi (medium Tail sculptures) created by children and young people as part of the Learning Programme joined the trail in mid March.

Restoring the Hauraki Gulf

Whale Tales not only raised much-needed awareness around New Zealand’s forgotten whale – the Bryde’s whale, but also raised over $650,000 for WWF and their work to restore their home in the Hauraki Gulf.

 The Gulf is an area of huge significance for Bryde’s whales, acting as a nursery where they give birth and raise their calves but the many pressures on the Gulf, from plastic pollution to overfishing, out-of-balance ecosystems and more is threatening their survival.

 Currently, Bryde’s whales are classified as ‘nationally critical’ – New Zealand’s highest threat level. With only around 135 Bryde’s whales left, they could soon disappear forever.

A few of Our Achievements


Sculptures Created


Events Delivered




Selfies Taken