

Pride is simultaneously about coming to terms with oneself and placing ourselves within the bigger picture. At times we may need to swallow our pride sometimes to spare the feelings of others, or to exhibit humility in success where someone else has experienced defeat. The difference is often determined by the justified love we have for ourselves. And, only when we learn to healthily love ourselves, are we ever able to love someone else.

About the Design

Even though artist Matt left his home in the North East nearly twenty years ago, he is still very proud to call himself a Northeasterner. For the design for this sculpture, he decided to reflect his pride in his hometown by painting a group of magpies (a nickname for Newcastle United Football Club fans) and inventing a new collective noun for these incredible birds, ‘A Pride Of Magpies’.

About the Artist

Artist, illustrator and author Matt Sewell is an avid ornithologist, regular contributor to the Caught By River website and author of the bestselling books Our Garden Birds, Owls, A Charm Of Goldfinch and the recently released Atlas Of Amazing Birds. Many of his books have been translated and published around the world and Matt’s birds have found themselves featured in a highly successful licensed range including calendars, jigsaws, mugs, greetings cards and many other gift items.

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